One Punch Man Chapter 176 – Epicenter

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OPM Manga Chapter 200 shows young Psykos sitting beside sleeping Fubuki, mentioning another ESP group.

They later walk along the pavement, with Fubuki leading them.

Psykos researches the “Third Eye” so she can see into the future like the Great Shibabawa. However, she experiences a splitting headache and sees a vision of the future, realizing that world domination is futile.

Back to their fight, Fubuki overpowers Psykos, causing her injuries. Psykos falls unconscious, caught by Fubuki. As Fubuki toches her head, she notices the eerie presence of “God.”

In the present, Fubuki and her group encounter Psykos beside a man she recognizes as part of the psychic group, Tsukuyomi. She orders an evacuation.

Facing each other, Fubuki and the man prepare for a confrontation as Tatsumaki hovers above the H.A. base.

The ceiling suddenly cracks, and Tatsumaki descends, flicking her finger, while the man attacks the executives and destroys cameras.

Fubuki believes Saitama defeated Garou, and as Tatsumaki and the man clash, the floor splits beneath Saitama, who falls into darkness.

Saitama discovers himself surrounded by Demon-level monsters after he reaches the bottom ground.

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