One Punch Man Chapter 178 – Do It Outside

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

A-Class hero Air awakens in a hospital bed, finding Forte, Chain-Toad, and Butterfly DX beside him.

He realizes his voice has been augmented by doctors due to the damage he sustained.

Forte vents his frustration at Saitama for their previous fight, which landed him in the hospital. Butterfly DX and Chain N’ Toad recount how Air was hit by a car, cautioning against using headphones during battles.

Chain N’ Toad and Butterfly DX leave to investigate the recent earthquake, leaving Air and Forte behind.

Meanwhile, Saitama holds Tatsumaki’s arm as she powers up, urging her to calm down.

Despite Saitama’s efforts to reason with Tatsumaki, she attacks him with her psychic powers. Fubuki and Tatsumaki are shocked as Saitama, trembling but resolute, withstands the onslaught.

Saitama instructs Fubuki to evacuate everyone while he confronts Tatsumaki, revealing himself as just Fubuki’s acquaintance.

Tatsumaki smiles, eager to test Saitama’s worthiness to hang out with her sister.

As Tatsumaki increases her psychic powers, some members of the Blizzard Group are blown away. Panic ensues among the executives and guests in the H.A. apartment as an earthquake strikes.

The basement twists as Tatsumaki’s assault intensifies. Saitama, noticing the building’s about to collapse, hugs Tatsumaki, surprising her.

Saitama jumps, creating a massive hole in the ceiling while still hugging Tatsumaki. They emerge above the H.A. base.

Meanwhile, Disaster Level Tiger Man-eating Capybara, Disaster Level Wolf Beer Belled, and Tongue Stretcher, released from their prison, hastily retreat upon encountering A-Class heroes.

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