One Punch Man Chapter 179 – Witnesses

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

In a bustling cityscape with skyscrapers and a busy highway, a family of three drives, discussing life…

…in the H.A. apartment, until they witness a bright light in the sky.

Suddenly, Saitama and Tatsumaki crashed near the road and tumbled onto the ground. Despite the chaos, Saitama hugs and holds Tatsumaki, spinning wildly like a dynamo.

Tatsumaki attempts to shake Saitama off, but he persists, even as the ground breaks beneath them.

Tatsumaki becomes furious when Saitama suggests she might flee if he releases her.

Eventually, Saitama lets go, and Tatsumaki retaliates by flicking his forehead, sending him flying. However, Saitama stops and notices rocks levitating around him, much to Tatsumaki’s menace.

As Saitama revels in the sight of a massive tornado forming underground, heroes arrive to interview the Blizzard Group while a spherical rock crumbles.

The two Tsukuyomi espers try to escape!

Above ground, guards try to halt a speeding car, but it smashes through the barrier. Inside, the driver traitor, bloodied and vengeful, escapes with his passenger, the Tsukuyomi man, Apollo.

Meanwhile, rocks from the tornado hurtle toward Saitama, who effortlessly shatters them.

The agents at the H.A. base observe the disturbance while the family in the car narrowly avoids falling debris.

Tatsumaki is super pissed after Saitama calls her midget. She keeps on attacking Saitakma with relentless boulders thrown at him.

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