One Punch Man Chapter 180 – Into The Middle of Something

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

Saitama is annoyed as Tatsumaki trashtalks him calling him weak. He fights back, making Tatsumaki more pissed.

With a blast of psychic energy, Tatsumaki sends Saitama flying across the road, tumbling and bouncing among the rocks.

Meanwhile, at the H.A. base underground, Fubuki gazes at the gaping hole Saitama created, recalling Tatsumaki’s words.

The members of the Blizzard Group inquire about Tsukuyomi, but Fubuki announces the group’s disbandment, shocking them before she ascends through the concrete hole.

In N-City’s warehouse, A-Class hero Feather is injured while surrounded by the Iron Fist Gang. With them is Erica, who pretends to be the boss’s woman.

Erica reveals her true intentions, stunning Feather, who laughs at her deceit. However, Big Iron’s appearance interrupts their exchange.

As Feather prepares to fight, Saitama bursts through the wall, knocking him unconscious. Saitama blames Tatsumaki for the damage.

A confrontation ensues between Saitama, Tatsumaki, and the gang, culminating in Saitama dispatching Big Iron and Tatsumaki neutralizing the gang members.

With the warehouse in ruins, Erica thanks Tatsumaki, and Feather plans to head home trying to forget what happened. Meanwhile, chaos unfolds in H-City as a Dragon-level monster, Kenzan Rat, wreaks havoc.

Amidst the panic and evacuation, Metal Bat rushes towards the colossal rat. He trash-talks the giant rat for making him run a marathon due to the transportation being unfunctional.

As Metal Bat prepares to engage, Tatsumaki and Saitama inadvertently strike Kenzan Rat’s head, causing it to crash to the ground. Metal Bat watches the unfolding chaos before deciding to leave the escalating situation, leaving Tatsumaki and Saitama to their clash.

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