One Punch Man Chapter 183 – Trade-Off

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The aftermath of chaos envelops the H.A. base, its surroundings marked by destruction and rubble.

Saitama, unkempt, enters his apartment in Room 104. He removes his sandals and spots Forte, Chain-Toad, and Butterfly DX at his table.

Forte apologizes and extends a gesture of friendship. Saitama becomes suspicious of him as they leave abruptly.

Forte remembers Saitama’s strength after witnessing him in a fight outside his hospital window. He looks at Rover and Black Sperm and ensures he takes care of them, per his deal with Saitama.

Meanwhile, Stinger, Crescent Eyebroll, and others investigate the defeated monsters in the H.A. basement.

They were even more surprised after one member of the Blizzard Group said one A-Class hero defeated all the Demon Level Monsters. Meanwhile, Gearsper informs them about the esper group called Tsukuyomi.

In a tense exchange, Fubuki confronts Mr. McCoy about clandestine deals, proposing a deception involving the monster remains.

Fubuki proposes that the monster to remains be scattered outside the base to make it look like Tatsumaki fighting the monsters caused the recent earthquakes and damages to the H.A. base.

In actuality, Tatsumaki caused the damages when fighting Saitama.

This proposal also hides the illegal selling of live monsters from Mr. McCoy and hiding monsters underneath the H.A. base.

Mr. McCoy nervously acquiesces to her plan.

Outside, Fubuki’s psychic prowess unveils Psykos hidden within monster carcasses, leading to a swift getaway.

Media coverage praises Tatsumaki’s feat, though Saitama dismisses it as false. Genos, ready to intervene, is halted by Saitama’s decision to let Tatsumaki take the credit after hearing the damages cost billions.

Inside the H.A. base, Tatsumaki confronts directors, shouldering responsibility for Psykos’ escape and provoking their ire. She reminds them that because of her, their illegal activities are covered, and the citizens start to like them more.

Meanwhile, Child Emperor discovers the cover-up of the events that recently transpired in the H.A. HQ.

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