One Punch Man Chapter 184 – Scout

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

Tatsumaki engages in a phone conversation, discussing a potential commercial to attract new heroes.

On set, Tatsumaki, accompanied by Sweet Mask, begins filming the commercial. She showcases her power by conjuring a mighty tornado, causing panic among the crew who flee.

The commercial airs and depicts a radiant Tatsumaki recruiting aspiring heroes.

Enraged by the commercial’s portrayal, Tatsumaki vents her frustration on the phone. Fubuki arrives, impressed by the commercial.

Tatsumaki unleashes her power, destroying the building, while Sweet Mask receives credit for the commercial’s success.

The top brass of the Hero Association acknowledges the commercial’s success and discusses recent events, crediting Mr. McCoy.

A scout named Shizuka introduces herself to Mr. Axel, a vigilante group leader called Hunter, wearing a distinctive uniform.

Shizuka informs Mr. Axel of increased monster activity and proposes cooperation between his group and the Association.

Despite offers of S-Class status, Axel declines, citing the Association’s elitism.

As Shizuka departs, Axel predicts the Association’s impending demise. He informs Shizuka of a new organization that will rival the Hero Association.

Elsewhere, a mustachioed man attempts to recruit Super Sumo Yokozuna Raiden to the Association, but Raiden declines, citing prior commitments to the new hero organization.

The Hero Association directors are stunned to learn of this new organization’s existence and recruitment of S-Class heroes.

Meanwhile, Dr. Kuseno discusses matters with Genos and the new hero organization, while Saitama reacts comically to Tatsumaki’s commercials.

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