One Punch Man Chapter 185 – Updates

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

Flashy Flash finds himself in a forest, interrogating a wounded monster about “God.”

Suddenly, a claw attacks Flashy Flash from behind as he shows a picture of Manako, but he swiftly dispatches the monster and ponders, seeking Saitama’s assistance.

Recalling a previous encounter where Saitama blocked his attack effortlessly, Flashy Flash continues through the forest.

Meanwhile, Tank-top Master sweats while lifting weights and prepares for the Tank Top Meeting.

Some tank toppers express frustration over quitters who witnessed the monster’s strength during the previous battle. However, Tank-top Master appreciates those who remain.

C-Class Heroes Hyottoko, Gas Mask Boy, and Studless Mask express interest in joining the tank toppers.

Elsewhere, Chicken Man assists children crossing the street and later converses with Child Emperor about the darker side of the Hero Association.

Superalloy Darkshine exhibits his immense strength while lifting huge barbells. Meanwhile, Mizuki observes him noting his inner struggles while looking at his scarred hands and chest after Vomited Fuhrer Ugly’s acid spits.

As chaos unfolds in the city with monsters and vines, heroes like Dynamite Man and Reclusamurai attempt to fend off threats. The tank-toppers, led by Tank-top Master, also appear and fight the Forest Folks.

Forest King, a Dragon-level monster, appears and captures the heroes, including Tank-top Master, before facing off against Genos, who arrives in a blaze of explosions.

In a different scene, Genos and Saitama enjoy tea while the tank toppers undergo rigorous training, lifting weights.

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