One Punch Man Chapter 193 – Worlds I Know Nothing About

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OPM Manga Chapter 193 features Saitama in two scenes.

The first scene concerns a group of people who want to revive a cruel dragon while another group tries to stop them, and the other one involves Flashy Flash’s invitation to find the monster Manako.

Saitama encounters a monstrous transformation before him, its appearance heralded by torn clothes and bulging muscles.

As the beast attacks, Saitama effortlessly counters, decimating it with a single punch.

Grateful knights commend him for vanquishing Rangor, the monster that transformed earlier and a member of the Dragon Alliance.

They share a legend of a colossal cruel dragon whose fragments were sealed into orbs and guarded by Saints to prevent its revival by the Deathbone group.

Saitama asked one of the captured Deathbone members about the revival of the Cruel Dragon while dousing him with water. He gathered the orbs to summon and defeat the dragon and surprised the Saint knights.

He swiftly outmaneuvers them, securing the orbs amidst chaotic pursuits.

Despite opposition, Saitama summons the Cruel Dragon, defeating it easily with one punch.

Returning home, he’s interrupted by Flashy Flash, who is seeking aid in locating the monster Manako, a key to uncovering the secret of “God.”

Saitama’s reluctance leads to a comical exchange, culminating in Flashy Flash challenging him to a fight.

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