One Punch Man Chapter 194 – Right Away

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

OPM Manga Chapter 194 shows us some revelation and the connection between Sonic, the ninja…

…assassins, and Flashy Flash with connections about Manako and Blast’s knowledge about God.

The heroes feed the monster dog Rover and Black Sperm, discussing Saitama’s conversation with Flashy Flash.

The narrative transitions to a training room, where Flashy Flash challenges Saitama to a fight, unleashing a barrage of powerful techniques. If He beats Saitama, Saitama will accept becoming his disciple.

However, the fight takes an unexpected turn when Saitama, seemingly bored, stops his fist inches from Flashy Flash’s face after Genos interrupts their fight.

Flasy Flash was sweating profusely after seeing the word DEATH at Saitama’s punch.

The scene shifts to a monster attack, where Class A heroes struggle against Internet Surfers, bullied online, and now formidable monsters.

Sonic makes a dramatic entrance, revealing his connection with Flashy Flash in the ninja village.

As the story progresses, Flashy Flash recalls fragments of his past. Two ninja enemies also appear, but Flashy Flash defeats them easily.

Sonic also escapes, and the scene shifts to Saitama and King capturing Manako as they lay a trap with food as bait.

Flashy Flash asks Manako for information about “God,” but he doesn’t seem to know anything. Together with Saitama, they went to see Sitch and Blast under the H.A. Base to learn more about God.

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