One Punch Man Chapter 197 – What Only I Can Do

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…In a shocking turn of events of One Punch Man Chapter 197, Saitama defeats Garou with one punch in the face.

Blast channels Garou’s cosmic energy into a black hole he created to redirect it away from Earth.

Suddenly, Blast sees a shadowy, thin figure and recognizes it as Empty Void absorbing the energy from the black hole he created.

Blast attacks Void with a massive energy beam, but Void, after gaining power from absorbing the cosmic energy, effortlessly cuts through it with his swords.

Back on Earth, Blast recounts his encounter with Void to Flashy Flash. Blast reveals Void’s ability to travel through dimensions and warns him about “God cube.”

While Blast tells Flashy Flash, Saitama, Sitch, and Manako about the dimensional abilities offered by God, a gigantic being standing on the moon observes them.

Suddenly, an H.A. lady agent appears looking for Sitch and Flashy Flash.

Flashy Flash receives a challenge letter from Sonic, his former friend. Before leaving, Blast gives Flashy Flash a transmitter device to let him know if Void shows up in his fight against Sonic.

Flashy Flash jumps down the building as he heads to the location of his fight against Speed-O’-Sound Sonic.

While traveling, Flashy Flash reminisces about his childhood with Sonic, remembering their shared dream of building a ninja village.

Arriving at the designated location, Flashy Flash finds Sonic waiting for him. A tense stand-off ensues as both draw their katanas, ready to fight each other to the death.

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