One Punch Man Chapter 199 – Undesirable Relationship

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in OPM Manga Chapter 199, Flashy Flash and Sonic stand close together engage in conversation. Suddenly,…

…an enemy ninja attacks with a whip, but Sonic swiftly cuts through the assailant’s weapon with a flash of light.

Seizing the opportunity, Sonic dashes toward the remaining ninjas while Flashy Flash, with precision and speed, swiftly dispatches the enemies, leaving a trail of defeated foes in his wake.

As Gale Wind and Hellfire Flame prepare their attacks, enemy ninjas attempt to impale Flashy Flash, but he counters, using their own momentum against them.

He slices through their ranks with deft maneuvers, leaving chaos in his wake.

One enemy finds himself entangled in sharp strings, his body sliced to pieces, while Gale Wind and Hellfire become entangled.

A giant foe attempts to strike Flashy Flash and Sonic, but they evade and counter with swift kicks to the head.

Working in tandem, Flashy Flash presses forward as Sonic provides cover with explosive shurikens. Using vehicles as footholds amidst the chaos, Flashy Flash continues his onslaught, slashing through the enemy ranks amidst explosions.

As the enemy ninjas attempt to defend themselves back to back, Sonic emerges from the ground, swiftly dispatching them with precise strikes to their heads.

After defeating their foes, Flashy Flash and Sonic stand facing each other in the forest.

Flashy Flash is taken aback as Sonic compliments his prowess, and their mutual respect is evident in their exchange.

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