One Punch Man Chapter 20 – Golden Ball

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OPM Manga Chapter 20 consists of forty pages and gives us a peek at the monster Gyoro-Gyoro. But the real gist of this episode is about City Z…

Two heroes, Golden Bull and Spring Mustachio, entered City Z to investigate the monster activity in that uninhabited city.

While the Hero Association headquarters received normal peaceful reports about the state of other cities, Golden Bull and Spring Mustachio fought head-on with a monster called Kombu Infinity.

The monster was utterly strong, and they were defeated one by one until they fell unconscious. Just as Kombu Infinity decided to go to the inhabited place of the city, he met with Saitama, and his fate was sealed.

Other heroes arrived in the area where Spring Mustachio called for backup but didn’t see anyone or the monster except for a piece of kombu left on the ground.

The last pages showed Saiatam boiling lots of kombu and the monster Kombu Infinity crying after Saitama plucked all his hair, leaving only one.

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