One Punch Man Chapter 202 – Fully Recovered

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In OPM Manga Chapter 202, the story takes a sudden side detour from the current plot but still important in the story building.

Suiryu, a well-muscled fighter, is discharged from the hospital. He defeats a Tiger-level monster effortlessly, showcasing his recovery. While in the city, he notices Neo Heroes advertisements and recalls Saitama.

Meanwhile, Suiryu’s sister, Suiko, gets angry after receiving a letter from him asking her to pay his hospital bills.

Suddenly, the head of the Demon-level monster falls at Suiryu, which is revealed to be easily defeated by Webigaza, a self-proclaimed Neo Heroes idol.

Intrigued, Suiryu decides to investigate the rival organization.

He enters the Neo Heroes exam hall and is given a battle suit to wear. The suit causes his power to surge, but it suddenly gets destroyed to pieces.

The staff are shocked as the suit was worth five million!

Because of that, Suiryu is now stuck working for Neo Heroes to pay for it. He meets Metal Bat, Mr. McCoy, and another official, shaking hands while crying over his predicament.

Little did he know that the suit was tampered with to be easily broken so he couldn’t back out of the Neo Heroes!

2 thoughts on “One Punch Man Chapter 202 – Fully Recovered”

  1. Five Million Dollars worth of a suit and cant handle a human strength? and wanted a compensation of it? That’s not armor dawg


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