One Punch Man Chapter 23 – Threat From The Sea

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In OPM Manga Chapter 23, the story unfolds with chaos gripping the city as monstrous threats emerge…

A colossal creature with tentacles wreaks havoc, causing panic among the citizens.

However, the situation takes an unexpected turn when Saitama, the unassuming hero with unmatched power, effortlessly obliterates the monster with a single punch. With that, rumors circulate about a C-Class hero capable of destroying monsters with ease.

After a few days, a new threat emerges in the form of a massive tsunami heading towards the city. The wave brings forth sea monsters, adding another layer of danger.

Hero Stinger, a Class A Rank 11, steps up to confront the sea monsters, showcasing his prowess by saving civilians and engaging in intense battles.

Meanwhile, Genos, Saitama’s disciple, informs him of his rank advancement within the Hero Association while washing dishes.

As the narrative shifts back to the chaos in City J, news broadcasts reveal the exhaustion of hero Stinger trying to fend off the rampaging monsters.

Stinger continues his valiant efforts, facing multiple strong monsters with determination. The battle intensifies as Stinger employs powerful attacks, defeating waves of foes.

However, the hero faces an unexpected challenge as a sea monster with a human-like body and fish-like features appears, wearing a crown.

In a separate scene, Saitama and Genos rush toward the chaos, overtaking C-Class heroes in a car.

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