One Punch Man Chapter 29.5 – Things One Cannot Buy

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One Punch Manga Chapter 29.5 shows how regular and poor our one-punch hero is…

In this special chapter, Saitama checks his bank and sees only 20 yen in his bank account. He went home and approached a vending machine with 90-yen coins.

As he buys something, a dead monster lies behind him, which he probably previously defeated.

C-Class heroes Funeral Suspenders and D-Pad secure the monster, gaining praise from children who mistake them for defeating it. The heroes continue their patrol.

At the bank, a robbery led by Class A Criminal Bull Bull and his gang, Cow’s Stomach, takes place.

Class C heroes Funeral Suspenders and D-Pad confront the robbers, showcasing a powerful tandem attack called Suspender Storm. However, Class A Criminal Bull Bull knocks them down.

The robbers escape with a hostage and plan to drop the kidnapped boy in the mountains. Saitama intervenes by carrying the car on his back.

He defeats the robbers and unexpectedly receives money from the grateful boy. Saitama returns the money, and the boy calls him uncle.

Saitama recounts the day’s events to Genos, who gives him a juice that tastes terrible. Saitama, in a generous gesture, gives the juice to Mumen Rider, whom he met thirsty while patrolling with his bike.

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