One Punch Man Chapter 30 – Class S

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OPM Manga Chapter 30 introduces us to the big names in the hero roster as the S-Class…..

…heroes gather in the headquarters. Perhaps a terrible threat is about to set in motion, and they need the heroes to save the earth.

The chapter begins with a guy in a suit observing a dojo on top of a rocky mountain. S-Class hero Bang demonstrates his powerful Fist of Flowing Water Crushed Rock technique.

Despite Bang’s invitation, Genos and Saitama decline to perform the technique.

Charanko, a student at the dojo, attacks Genos but immediately surrenders to him. Bang reveals that his former disciple, Garo, was his greatest but was kicked out. As Charanko praises Bang for his strength, he requests him to stop.

An agent from the Hero Association interrupts, instructing Bang and Genos to report to headquarters in City A.

Saitama tags along, and at the headquarters, they encounter other S-Class heroes, including Atomic Samurai, who refuses to shake hands with Saitama, and Tornado of Terror, an esper ranked second in S-Class.

A meeting unfolds with all the heroes seated around a table. Saitama, Genos, and the various heroes keep their thoughts to themselves, creating an atmosphere of tension and curiosity.

As they await further instructions, Saitama casually asks for tea, leading to amusing perceptions from the heroes, including Puri-Puri Prisoner thinking Saitama is Genos’ sidekick.

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