One Punch Man Chapter 31 – The Big Prediction

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

OPM Manga Chapter 31 gathers the Class S heroes in one room to talk about the impending…

…destruction of the Earth. This also starts the arrival of a major villain in the coming chapters.

In a crucial meeting led by Sitch from the Association, heroes gather to address an imminent threat to Earth. Sitch presents the dire situation, allowing heroes to decline the mission.

Metal Bat questions the gravity of the threat, and the heroes are shocked to learn that the Great Seer Shibabawa is dead. Meanwhile, Saitama, in his typical poker face manner, queries about Shibabawa, and Puri-puri Prisoner provides an answer.

As Sitch unveils Shibabawa’s recorded memo, heroes react with shock and disbelief. Shibabawa’s last prophecy before choking to death was the destruction of the Earth. Sitch, visibly tense, stresses the gravity of the threat by slamming the table.

The heroes, including King, Watchdog Man, and Saitama, prepare for the impending danger. However, Sitch’s nervousness intensifies as the Hero Association’s building is attacked by monsters, causing chaos and panic.

A formidable monster named Sky King, accompanied by others named Hawk, Kite, Falcon, and Eagle, unleashes havoc with the intent to take over the world.

Suddenly, Sky King’s minions fall one by one as a colossal shadow covers the city, creating a deafening noise.

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