One Punch Man Chapter 34 – Are You Stupid?

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

OPM Manga Chapter 34 shows Geluganship, the telekinetic monster, creating a tornado of…

…debris to attack Saitama. Unfazed, Saitama effortlessly flicks a small rock, destroying Geluganship’s head.

Lord Boros observes as Saitama defeats Geluganship, prompting a confrontation between the two. Boros inquires about Saitama’s name, leading to a conversation.

Boros recalls a seer’s prediction from 20 years ago, anticipating an enjoyable fight on Earth. Before Boros could finish his story, Saitama swiftly threw Boros away with a punch.

Boros hits a pillar, nearly destroying it. Despite the impact, Boros rises, but his armor crumbles. He undergoes a power-up with glowing eyes and pointed hair.

Bright light and lightning emanate from Boros, but Saitama remains unfazed.

Meanwhile, a monster from the alien ship prepares to fire at the heroes below. Melzargard faces the heroes, and the alien presses the “fire” button.

Tatsumaki intervenes, using her psychic power to stop the bullets in midair. She flips and fires the bullets back at the alien ship, hitting it.

Back in the battle against Melzargard, Bang, Atomic Samurai, Puri-Puri Prisoner, and Metal Bat launch attacks. Puri-Puri Prisoner holds the monster’s hands while Bang destroys one of its heads.

Bang snatches a marble and destroys it, but the monster prepares a counterattack, hitting Bang.

The chapter concludes with Boros and Saitama engaging in a fierce battle.

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