One Punch Man Chapter 45 – Hero Name

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Chapter 45 of OPM Manga reveals the relationship between Fubuki and Tatsumaki, or…

…Tornado of Terror. This is also the first time King visits Saitama’s apartment and the first time Garou hunts a hero. More than that, Genos and Saitama have their hero names as Demon Cyborg and Bald Cape.

In One Punch Man Chapter 45, Fubuki reflects on her past, showcasing her psychic abilities by bending spoons and forks, as well as his older sister Tornado, who is much stronger than her.

She shares her ambition to rise in Class A but acknowledges that surpassing Class A Rank 1, Amai Mask seems impossible. Fubuki introduces other Class A heroes like Bushido Drill, Okama Itachi, and IA-Ian.

The focus then shifts to Amai Mask, the top-ranked Class A hero, dealing with a savage individual. Amai Mask effortlessly defeats the savage, garnering cheers from the citizens.

Meanwhile, Saitama refuses to join Fubuki’s faction, leading to an unexpected visit from King, who casually interacts with Saitama.

At the Hero Association headquarters, the directors assign hero names to Saitama and Genos.

Genos becomes “Demon Cyborg” due to his aggressive style, while Saitama is named “Bald Cape” based on his appearance. The meeting causes frustration for Sitch, who is more concerned about Garou’s ongoing threat.

The chapter concludes with Garou defeating Class A Rank 9 hero, Tank-top Vegetarian.

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