One Punch Man Chapter 5 – Itch Explosion

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OPM Manga Chapter 5 introduces us to Genos and a destined encounter with his soon-to-be sensei, Saitama, though that would happen…

…next chapter. Buckle up guys because aside from getting a little action, we’re also getting our first sexy monster on the menu whom you probably want to let you suck dry…

If you know what I mean.

Chapter 5 of One Punch Man Manga opens up with Saitama sensei in deep thoughts about how his enemies are instantly obliterated with just one punch.

He thinks his overwhelming strength is making his emotions dull, especially after winning against any monsters with just a single punch. He thinks they’re just insects that he’s swatting.

He actually smacked a mosquito using his hand but didn’t get it the first time. He even used martial arts to swat it but it got away leaving Saitama irritated.

Mosquito 1 – Saitama 0

Outside, a burglar started breaking into some business establishments when he got sucked dry by swarms of mosquitos.

The insects returned to their master, a super sexy mosquito (probably sexier than your girlfriend) to remit the blood which was not enough.

Down below, another person came to which the swarms immediately covered him. Even so, his eyes started glowing while staring at the sexy mosquito.

As soon as more insects started approaching him, he created a huge blast thereby incinerating them. He was there to eliminate the sexy mosquito lady.

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