One Punch Man Chapter 55 – Pumped Up

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OPM Manga Chapter 55 gives us insights into how strong Metal Bat is as he defeated two…

…Demon Level Monsters with one strike. His real strength is about to get tested as the giant monster centipede called Centichoro or Elder Centipede appears.

The chapter kicks off with the intense battle between Metal Bat and the monstrous foes, Lafreshidon and Senior Centipede. Metal Bat skillfully blocks attacks with his bat but faces challenges from their combined assault.

Lafreshidon’s tranquilizing odor takes its toll, making Metal Bat drowsy.

As Senior Centipede continues attacking, Metal Bat surprises everyone by hitting his own head with the bat, awakening himself.

Metal Bat, now pumped up, breaks free from Senior Centipede’s assault, showcasing his incredible resilience. He boldly declares his ability to handle anything when pumped up, leaving the monsters astonished.

In a swift and powerful counterattack, Metal Bat takes down Lafreshidon and Senior Centipede, leaving them defeated.

However, a more significant threat, Centichoro, emerges from the ground, identified as a Dragon-level threat by Hero Pineappeal.

Metal Bat instructs backup heroes, Pineapple and Mohican, to escort the director and his kid to safety.

As the ground shakes, the monstrous Centichoro reveals its grotesque features, setting the stage for an epic battle against an overwhelming adversary.

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