One Punch Man Chapter 55.2 – Sense

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OPM Manga Chapter 55.2 is a bonus chapter featuring our Cape Baldy hero, Saitama, attending…

…a Hero Costume Contest. He ended last but was able to unconsciously give meaningful advice to a kid, a judge, and even Genos.

The chapter unfolds with Saitama and King casually watching an anime called “Baked Potato Monga” when Genos interrupts, bringing Saitama’s uniform.

Saitama quickly dashes off to participate in a Best Hero Costume Contest.

Upon entering the stadium, Saitama and Genos notice a crying kid who lost his jacket, which had his ticket. Saitama generously offers his costume, donning a unique T-shirt with a human on a mouse mascot.

As the contest begins, heroes showcase their costumes. Class B Hero Darkness Blade’s presentation falls flat, leading to harsh remarks from the judges. Saitama is called the last contender.

Saitama wiggles his ears seriously while walking on stage, but the judges remain unimpressed. Saitama explains his costume, but just as judge Torajiro gives a harsh judgment, the ground shakes.

A three-headed monster turtle, Gameberos, appears in the city. The heroes respond, but Gameberos knocks them down and attacks Judge Torajiro.

Saitama intervenes, stopping the monster before it hits the judge and effortlessly destroying it with a single punch.

Despite saving the day, judge Torajiro hesitates to give Saitama good points. The crowd praises Saitama, and he, along with Genos, walks home. The kid returns the T-shirt, and Genos reflects on the day’s events.

Later, judge Torajiro meets the kid, Torao, who is actually his son, Torao now follows Saitama’s advice on what to wear. Meanwhile, judge Torajiro reflects on his harsh judgment towards Saitama.

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