One Punch Man Chapter 57 – Interruption

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OPM Manga Chapter 57 shows us the first encounter between Metal Bat and continuing…

…to fight the massive Elder Centipede but gets interrupted by Garou, who declares he will beat him. Metal Bat agrees, and the suspense has me waiting.

In this chapter, the aftermath of Metal Bat’s battle with Elder Centipede is depicted. Still bruised and bloodied, Metal Bat is seen petting a cat.

Meanwhile, Elder Centipede continues its destructive path through the city streets, prompting Metal Bat to prepare for another confrontation.

Metal Bat climbs onto the monster’s back, intending to reach its head. As Elder Centipede catches up with two backup heroes, Metal Bat suddenly appears on the monster’s forehead, ready to strike.

He launches a series of powerful “Dragon Pummelin” strikes at the monster’s head.

Elder Centipede retaliates with a counterattack called “Centipede Undulation”, causing widespread destruction and triggering a Threat Level Demon alarm.

People panic and run, creating chaos in the city. Amidst the turmoil, Garou walks calmly with a sinister grin.

Garou notices the rampaging centipede monster at a distance and observes Metal Bat being thrown away. To Garou’s surprise, Metal Bat rises again, displaying resilience.

Intrigued by the formidable hero, Garou approaches and asks for a fight, revealing his intention to hunt Class S heroes.

Despite Metal Bat’s refusal, Garou attacks him. Metal Bat defends with his bat, realizing that the stranger attacking him is Garou.

The chapter ends with Garou smirking, Metal Bat looking surprised, and a declaration from Metal Bat that he will be busting Garou’s head.

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