One Punch Man Chapter 59 – Only You

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OPM Manga Chapter 59 gives us mixed scenes of our heroes and the state of various cities.

Centichoro escapes to the ground, monsters attack all the other cities, and Saitama prepares for the tournament, disguising as Charanko.

The aftermath of the intense battle between Metal Bat and Garou unfolds, revealing the continued chaos in City Z. Metal Bat plans on fighting Centichoro but gets knocked down.

A menacing monster, Hydro-Jellyfish, appears, threatening Zenko. However, Garou intervenes and swiftly dismantles the monster.

Suddenly, a bird-like creature, Phoenix Man, appears and presents him with an invitation to join the Monster Association.

In a display of defiance, Garou tears the invitation apart, asserting his independence from the monsters’ agenda.

As Phoenix Man departs, Hydro-Jellyfish and Rhino Wrestler, another formidable monster, escape, taking the director and his kid hostage.

Meanwhile, Metal Knight pursues Centichoro, the colossal centipede monster, as it dives underground.

The narrative expands beyond City Z, showcasing the widespread monster attacks in various cities with Threat Level Tiger and Demon monsters.

The focus shifts to Saitama, the indifferent yet immensely powerful hero, as he is summoned for a fight in the tournament.

The chapter concludes with Genos, Saitama’s loyal disciple, seated among the crowd, anticipating the unfolding events.

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