One Punch Man Chapter 60 – Entering the Stadium

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OPM Manga Chapter 60 opens the scene in the coliseum where the announcer introduces…

…the heroes. It then shifts to Bang and Bomb, where Bang showcased his martial arts skills after defeating a monster.

In a colossal arena, the announcer welcomes an array of participants, including the disguised Saitama.

Class A heroes, such as Lightning Max, Snake Bite Fist Snek, and others, are introduced alongside formidable contestants like the Dark Hell Killing Jutsu Bakuzan and the charismatic Dark Corporeal Fist Suiryu.

As the lineup unfolds, tension builds, particularly between Bakuzan and Suiryu, both determined to emerge victorious. Meanwhile, Saitama stands on the sidelines, seemingly unfazed by the participants around him.

The narrative then shifts to Garou, who navigates through the crowd and encounters Watchdog Man.

The scene transitions to Bang and his brother, Bomb, on a rooftop looking for Garou. In another part of the city, Hero Smileman faces the formidable four-arm Demon Pugilist.

Bang and Bomb swiftly arrive to aid Smileman, engaging in a fierce battle against the monstrous foe.

Despite Demon Pugilist’s powerful attacks, Bang showcases his formidable martial arts prowess, leaving Smileman astonished at their efficiency.

The chapter concludes with Smileman observing the aftermath of the battle and wondering where the monster came from.

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