One Punch Man Chapter 61.5 – Rangers

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OPM Manga Chapter 61.5 gives us a two-part bonus episode about Saitama on a mission…

…with a team to capture a specific monster and Metal Bat’s past one year ago.

In this special chapter, Saitama and King relax by watching a T.V. show about a group of rangers called Zoomen. Genos enters the room, delivering a letter about a special mission from the organization.

Cut to the H.A. headquarters, heroes are briefed on a mission to capture a specific monster alive.

The team, led by a powerful hero with a Pile Bison weapon, sets out to a forest to capture the monster. However, Saitama suggests a team name, which is quickly voted down.

As the team sets traps, Saitama gets distracted by a vending machine, causing some tension. They discover a huge footprint, and Saitama notices a hole in the vending machine.

Back at H.Q., the director at H.A. discusses the monster’s price tag, reclassifying it as a Threat Level Demon.

In the forest, the team encounters the larger-than-expected monster, Urokodon. Despite teamwork, the monster wholly swallows the heroes.

Saitama arrives and, after a brief conversation, gets eaten by the monster, too. Inside the monster’s belly, Saitama one-punches it, saving everyone. The scene shifts to him playing video games with King.

In the next bonus manga scene, Metal Bat’s promotion to Class S is depicted, and Saitama requests an epically strong bat from the H.A. as a weapon.

The chapter concludes with Metal Bat and his sister, Zenko, holding flowers while walking after Zenko’s piano recital.

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