One Punch Man Chapter 73 – Resistance of the Strong

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OPM Manga Chapter 73 gives us the one-sided fight between Suiryu and Gouketsu.

Suiryu’s attacks were ineffective, while Goukets’s attacks damaged him. Two other heroes arrive at the scene to rescue Suiryu after seeing he’s already injured and hopeless.

Suiryu faces a formidable opponent in Gouketsu, enduring a series of brutal attacks and realizing the futility of his efforts against the monstrous foe.

Despite his determination, Suiryu finds himself overwhelmed by Gouketsu’s incredible strength and is left severely injured and helpless.

As Suiryu tries to escape from Gouketsu and the three crows who are now trying to eat him, he sees Bakuzan, a fellow martial artist, and asks for help.

However, Bakuzan consumed all the monster cells, leaving him incapacitated and Suiryu still in dire straits.

Just as all hope seems lost, Suiryu receives unexpected aid from heroes Sneck and Lightning Max, who rush to his rescue.

Together, they bravely confront the monstrous crows and successfully defeat them.

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