One Punch Man Chapter 8 – This Guy?

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OPM Manga Chapter 8 continues the attack from the previous chapter…

Genos fights against the robot cyborg while Saitama is buried neck-deep under. A man with the head of a lion also appears approaching Saitama. He claimed to be the king of the jungle.

Seeing the danger approaching his master sensei, Genos tries to rescue Saitama but the cyborg robot is getting in his way.

The monster lion tried to attack Saitama but he got destroyed using a consecutive normal punch attack. Even the mole who tried to escape was blown sky-high after Saitama caught him underground.

On the last panel, it’s revealed that the robot cyborg is actually a gorilla wearing metal armor. His helmet was removed and when he was about to get incinerated by Genos, he started talking normally knowing that all his allies were defeated. He swore to tell everything to our two heroes.

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