One Punch Man Chapter 82 – All Out

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In OPM Manga Chapter 82, Garou finds himself in a relentless battle against a group of heroes.

Despite his agility and skill, Garou struggles to evade the attacks of Smile Man, Chain N’ Toad, and Shooter.

As the fight intensifies, Garou’s memories of his childhood resurface, reminding him of the relentless pursuit of justice by heroes like Justiceman and the defeat of evil like Crab Devil, who just wants to clean the oceans.

Back in the present, Garou faces an onslaught of attacks from the heroes, including Chain N’ Toad’s “Ankle Snag” and Smile Man’s spinning sphere.

Despite the overwhelming odds, Garou demonstrates his resilience, using his surroundings to his advantage and outmaneuvering his opponents.

As the heroes close in, Garou utilizes Wild Horn as a shield, deflecting attacks and turning the tide of battle in his favor.

With a combination of skill and strategy, Garou manages to incapacitate several heroes, including Glasses and Stinger.

However, Death Gatling remains a formidable adversary, unleashing a relentless barrage of bullets upon Garou. Undeterred, Garou deflects the bullets with precision, showcasing his mastery of martial arts.

As the confrontation escalates, Garou and Death Gatling engage in a fierce duel, culminating in a devastating punch from Garou that sends Death Gatling flying.

With the heroes defeated and unconscious, Garou’s attention turns to Tareo, who flees in terror.

Alone and battered, Garou presses on and tries to look for water before treating his injuries. However, his respite is short-lived as the arrival of Genos heralds the beginning of a new battle.

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