One Punch Man Chapter 84.5 – Bonus Chapter

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

In OPM Manga Chapter 84.5, Glasses, formerly part of the Fubuki Group and now B-Class Rank 20…

…finds himself in a surprising encounter with Matsuke, who recognizes him during a confrontation with two thugs at a supermarket.

As Glasses intervenes, Matsuke joins the fray, swiftly dispatching one of the thugs with ease.

Impressed by Glasses’ newfound strength, Matsuke offers him a canned beverage and decides to test his skills with a friendly spar.

Despite Glasses’ reluctance, Matsuke insists on uncovering the secret behind his sudden improvement.

Their conversation is interrupted by a sudden explosion nearby, prompting Glasses to rush towards the scene to confront the emerging threat.

As Matsuke considers contacting the Fubuki Group for assistance, he observes Glasses’ determination as he heads towards the danger, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.

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