One Punch Man Chapter 86 – Hideout

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

In OPM Manga Chapter 86, Garou wakes up in a cell, sweating and disoriented. He finds a letter…

…on the table, reads it, and crumples it up without a care. After putting on clothes, he kicks open the prison gate and walks through a dark hall, reflecting on recent events.

Behind a wall, Garou witnesses a rescue squad begging for mercy as they are held captive by monsters.

Gyoro-Gyoro, the one-eyed monster, notices Garou but turns his attention back to the captives. The captives are in distress as Royal Ripper, a Demon-level monster with long blades for hands, threatens to slice them.

As tensions rise, Super S appears and begins whipping the captives at Gyoro-Gyoro’s command. However, the captives undergo a transformation, their bodies becoming muscular and breaking out of their suits.

Gyoro-Gyoro welcomes Garou and offers him a position as an executive, but Monster King Orochi demands Garou bring him a hero’s head within a day.

Meanwhile, Gale Wind and Hellfire Flame discuss the lost executives and Garou’s actions.

As Gyoro-Gyoro’s eyes glow, Bug God and Royal Ripper stand ready, and Gyoro-Gyoro orders them to tail Garou as he ventures outside.

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