One Punch Man Chapter 87 – Monster Nature

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In One Punch Man Chapter 87, Garou traverses through a city bustling with activity. Along the way…

…he encounters a group of individuals calling themselves The League for Monster Worship, whom he lectures after flicking away one of their members who attacked a bystander.

As Garou continues his stroll, he encounters a drunkard blocking a doorway.

The situation escalates when the drunkard brandishes a knife, but Garou swiftly disarms him and continues on his way. Seeking nourishment, Garou dines at a restaurant, consuming his meal with gusto as he orders more food.

Meanwhile, Saitama finds himself in a predicament at the same eatery when he realizes he has no means to pay for his meal.

Fubuki, an acquaintance, joins him, adding tension to the situation as Saitama scrambles to resolve the payment issue.

As Garou walks the streets, he sees the kid Tareo. Despite initial hostility, Garou’s demeanor softens towards Tareo, prompting an unexpected act of gratitude from the child.

Saitama approaches Garou and lectures him about his dine-and-dash behavior at the restaurant.

Garou decides to attack the hero but gets immediately knocked down and unconscious. He wakes up not remembering who knocked him down while Tareo stays beside him.

However, the tranquility is shattered when Garou’s encounter with Tareo is interrupted by the appearance of the menacing monsters Royal Ripper and Bug God.

With danger looming, Garou instructs Tareo to flee as he prepares to confront the monstrous threat.

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