One Punch Man Chapter 88 – Punch Limiter

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In OPM Manga Chapter 88, Garou finds himself in a tense confrontation with the monstrous duo…

…Bug God and Royal Ripper, who approach him menacingly as the frightened child Tareo cowers behind him. Despite the overwhelming odds, Garou assumes a martial arts stance, readying himself for combat.

As the situation intensifies, Bug God demands Garou eliminate Tareo, prompting Garou to urge the terrified child to flee. However, Tareo’s fear paralyzes him, rendering him unable to move despite Garou’s encouragement.

Amidst the chaos, Tareo recalls his previous encounter with Garou, a moment of unexpected kindness amidst the city’s turmoil.

Encouraged by Garou’s unwavering support, Tareo summons the courage to stand, albeit trembling with fear.

Royal Ripper’s menacing intent becomes clear as he aims his blade at Tareo, but Garou intercepts the attack, flipping Royal Ripper and engaging him in combat.

Despite Garou’s valiant efforts, he finds himself overwhelmed by the combined assault of Bug God and Royal Ripper, sustaining severe injuries in the process.

Meanwhile, the scene shifts to Zombieman, who confronts Dr. Genus. Dr. Genus shares about the enigmatic concept of limiters.

Dr. Genus’s revelations about transformations made by removing all limiters and the origins of Monster King Orochi shed light on the mysteries surrounding a person’s unparalleled strength.

Back in the midst of battle, Garou’s determination to protect Tareo remains steadfast, but his resilience is put to the ultimate test after seeing Sludge Jellyfish capture Tareo.

Bug God, Royal Ripper, and the monstrous Sludge Jellyfish ultimately overpower him, leaving him battered and unconscious as they depart with Tareo as their captive.

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