One Punch Man Chapter 94 – I See

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

In an abandoned district, S-Class Heroes, led by Child Emperor, venture through a gate along an old…

…rail track. The eerie quietness unsettles them. Suddenly, they realize King is missing, known for his independent moves.

As they proceed, monsters with glowing eyes emerge from all angles. Zombieman alerts them, but it’s too late as the creatures surround them. Amidst the chaos, a rag with claws falls, and a train carriage flies by.

Buildings collapse as monsters of all shapes emerge. Panic sets in, especially for Sekingar and Mizuki. Hero Feather readies for battle while Tatsumaki remains unfazed.

A black monster, Jagan, appears, and other monsters laugh. Tatsumaki confronts him, ready for a showdown. Jagan threatens Tatsumaki and her sister, escalating tensions.

Tatsumaki unleashes her power, creating a barrier that shields the heroes from falling debris.

However, she removes it, causing Sekingar to protest. Meanwhile, heroes like Puri-Puri Prisoner and Superalloy Darkshine showcase their strength.

The battle intensifies as heroes and monsters clash. One Shotter, Shadow Ring, and others display their skills. Sweet Mask demonstrates his prowess, reminding the heroes of their support role.

Jagan’s threat looms large, manipulating buildings and attacking relentlessly.

But Tatsumaki faces him head-on, ultimately defeating him with ease.

Meanwhile, other heroes like Twin Tails, One Shotter, and Needle Star, among others, fight valiantly. Rhino Wrestler proves formidable until Atomic Samurai steps in, effortlessly dispatching him.

The heroes emerge victorious, but Gyoro-Gyoro watches ominously, hinting at more challenges to come.

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