One Punch Man Chapter 97 – Backpack

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OPM Manga Chapter 200 shows us the face of a new enemy that made a creepy and grueling entrance in the presence of Flashy Flash and Sonic. The story unfolds within the dimly lit concrete tunnel, Child Emperor emerged, clad in his protective gear, including a…

…helmet and gas mask, with an arsenal of gadgets protruding from his backpack. As he descended the stairs, his watch displayed a hologram guiding his path through the labyrinthine passages.

Unexpectedly, a monstrous figure wielding a butcher knife materialized behind him.

Swiftly, Child Emperor’s Mini Octopus gadget unleashed a barrage of bullets, reducing the threat to mere shreds.

Further along, he entered a chamber to find Metal Knight’s broken robotic body, prompting him to extract vital data using his advanced technology.

With the hostage’s location, he pinpointed on his computer, Child Emperor ventured forth, candy in hand.

However, his moment of reprieve was interrupted by the destruction of his Mini Octopus by a curious bird that soon began conversing with him.

This bird revealed as Phoenix Man, a Disaster Level Demon, launched a ferocious “Beak Attack,” only to be thwarted by Child Emperor’s ingenious “Invisible Wall.”

Engaging Phoenix Man in combat, Child Emperor unleashed an array of weapons, leaving the demon defeated and bloodied.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the tunnel, Waganma, the prisoner, found himself in peril until Child Emperor arrived, braving dangers like the Tiger Sludge Jellyfish.

As Child Emperor and Waganma pressed on, a menacing mechanical foe resembling a samurai destroys his tank robot and Bug Net.

Child Emperor looks afraid after seeing the robot enemy samurai approach them.

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