One Punch Man Chapter 99 – Heat-Up

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

In the midst of the intense battle, Child Emperor’s Gundam sprang into action, deploying a…

…protective shield on its hand as its boosters ignited with fiery determination. With precision and speed, the Gundam pursued Phoenix Man Reincarnated, unleashing a barrage of homing missiles.

Phoenix Man countered with a devastating Phoenix Flare that confuses the incoming heat-seeking missiles.

As the confrontation escalated, Phoenix Man Reincarnated transformed into “Phoenix Fire: Falcon Mode,” launching a ferocious assault. Child Emperor retaliated, releasing tiny Gundams known as “Mobis” to engage the enemy.

However, Phoenix Man’s another transformation into “Phoenix Prominence Hawk Mode” proved formidable, absorbing the onslaught with ease.

Child Emperor, shocked by the turn of events, pressed on, attempting to pierce Phoenix Man with a vibrating shortsword, only to have it shattered.

Amidst the chaos, Waganma trembled in fear within a protective barrier while Child Emperor’s Gundam valiantly intercepted Phoenix Man’s attacks, shielding its precious cargo.

With ingenuity and determination, Child Emperor trapped Phoenix Man in an electromagnetic shield, delivering a devastating blow with a “Giant Knuckle Sandwich.”

Yet, Phoenix Man’s resilience was unmatched, blocking the mighty punch with lightning swirling around them.

Child Emperor, refusing to yield, unleashed the Gundam’s full power, shattering the ground with an overwhelming shockwave.

As the battle raged on, Child Emperor and Phoenix Man plummeted several floors deep underground the monster’s base.

They reached the area and fell into the water, where Flashy Flash defeated the two monster ninjas.

With unwavering resolve, Child Emperor stood resolute while eyeing the debris and Flashy Flash’s transmitter. A huge light explodes behind the Gundam, hinting at another reincarnation of Phoenix Man.

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